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Do it yourself and Build Your Own Gun (BYOG).  Let Brazos help you with this project by completing some or most of the gunsmithing procedures that require progressively higher levels of expertise as well as expensive machinery and tools.  We can do as much or as little as you want. 

First choose your frame assembly.  This is the foundation of your build that includes a serialized frame – be it a Shortblock (fitted frame, slide, barrel), Slide-to-Frame Fit (fitted frame and slide), or Brazos Modular Double Stack (MDS) Frame.

Depending on which frame assembly you’ve chosen you may need to add some major components (slide, barrel, compensator).  To complete your build, you’ll need all the internal parts as well as any accessories you might want to add to your gun. Not only can we help you with a parts list, but you’ll get 10% OFF those parts when you buy a frame or frame assembly from us.

Not sure if you can build your own gun… or just need some help? 

Look to our Knowledge Center/Publications for help.  Start with the “Build Your Own Gun” article.  If you are comfortable with the procedures we talk about then you should be good to go.  We are continually adding more blogs to help your BYOG project be successful.

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